Month: October 2021

Why people get motion sickness?

Motion sickness, in general, is caused when your inner ear and your eyes disagree about whether you’re moving. When you read in a car, your visual field stays still but your inner ear detects the twists and turns. This sensory conflict triggers nausea, possibly because the brain thinks you’ve eaten something toxic that’s making you hallucinate. Motion sickness occurs when… Read more →

Muscle Fatigue

At the start of exercising or when performing tasks, your muscles feel strong and resilient. However, over time and after repeating movements, your muscles may begin to feel weaker and tired. This can be defined as muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue is a symptom that decreases your muscles’ ability to perform over time. It can be associated with a state of… Read more →

Alone bed bedroom blur

​​What is Proning and How to breathe better when Oxygen level drops?

As the coronavirus pandemic progressed and patients struggled to breathe, hospitals across the world learned that very sick patients were able to breathe better when they were flipped onto their stomachs. ‘Proning’ is a medically accepted position to improve breathing comfort and oxygenation in COVID-19 patients. This positioning, called proning (or prone-positioning), has been used for decades to improve clinical outcomes… Read more →

Snow dawn landscape sunset

Nuclear/Radioactive waste

Radioactive waste is a type of hazardous waste that contains radioactive material. Radioactive waste is a result of many activities, including nuclear medicine, nuclear research, nuclear power generation, rare-earth mining, and nuclear weapons reprocessing. The storage and disposal of radioactive waste are regulated by government agencies in order to protect human health and the environment. This waste is broadly classified… Read more →

Diamond on white surface


The first diamonds to be unearthed by man were discovered in India in the 4th-century BC and were quickly dispersed along the ancient trade route, the Silk Road. Ancient civilizations believed diamonds were gifts from the Gods and that they would bring health, wealth, and strength. 100 miles deep in the Earth, a layer separating our hospitable exterior from the… Read more →

​​How do pimples form?

Our skin is covered in millions of tiny little pores, that sit at our hair follicles. Pores connect the surface of your skin to an underlying gland called the Sebaceous gland. This gland produces an oily substance called sebum which is released continually, in small amounts, into the hair follicles and skin. Dead skin cells are also carried up with… Read more →

Blue Water-Gas

A gas consisting mainly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, made by passing steam over red-hot coke and burning with a blue flame, used especially as a source of hydrogen; also called Blue gas, Water gas. The manufacture of water gas first became an industrial proposition in 1873 with the introduction of the intermittent system by Strong and by Lowe in… Read more →

White baby mouse

​​Why Rodents are most commonly used for animal testing of new medicines?

From formulating new cancer drugs to testing dietary supplements, mice and rats play a critical role in developing new medical wonders. In fact, 95% of all lab animals are mice and rats, according to the Foundation for Biomedical Research (FBR). Scientists and researchers rely on mice and rats for several reasons. One is convenience: rodents are small, easily housed and… Read more →